About Her

Blog by Jedde is a cozy home of woven words. It is filled with the freshness of the author's different life experiences; a safe haven that nurtures her raw thoughts and emotions where acceptance grows and it has a fun side to it too - for some of the author's exciting travels. It is a blog created for the old souls, the thinkers, the feelers, and the ordinary human beings who love to explore the beauty of spontaneity, uncertainty, and the depths of their thoughts. This blog is created by Ms. Mary Jedde . She enjoys collecting journals and paper stationery. She likes the smell of books. Her hobby is not limited only to writing but also includes playing the guitar and on rare occasions, the piano. Her favorite fruit is mango. She is currently living in Singapore working as a Facilitator, her dream job. On her free time, she reads books, watches Avatar: The Legend of Aang, calls her family in Cebu, and spends time with her fia nc é Alexander, eating out an...