Silent Surrenders
"You are expected to be the strong one; the unbreakable. The always on the go, always successful, always the one who knows where she's heading. But what they don't know about are your silent surrenders. When your mind shuts down because it's too full. Full of worries. Full of uncertainties. Full of insecurities and doubts. You break down and quietly give up. They don't know about it and you don't talk about it. And the day goes on and on and on. With your loud victories and your silent surrenders. Close your eyes. Count the stars. Get lost in a galaxy far away. Imagine its vastness, think of its depth. And when your tears fall, let them disperse into tiny diamonds. When it's become too heavy to carry, and you're on the verge of whispering that you're tired, know that you can make diamonds from the tears in your eyes. And your brilliance can rest when the moon appears tonight. Just let the night embrace you tight." Written by: Mary Jedde