I Could Never Live Without It!

Photo Source:https://pixabay.com/illustrations/social-social-networks-1206612/ Or so I thought. A month ago (as of this writing), I made an impulsive decision to remove two giant time eaters in my life - instagram and facebook. My reason for doing so was so silly (sorry, Schatz!) that I still laugh at myself for doing it - but on the hindsight, I felt a great relief. I've always found myself many times during the day scrolling through my newsfeed. While I know it wasn't healthy, I kept doing so. In fact, I even convince myself that it was useful to waste my time in mindless scrolling just in case I find something useful and interesting . For what? I don't know. It's not really a great revelation, but there's a truism surrounding the use of social media and how people's unregulated usage of it is unhealthy. What surprises me the most is why I consciously choose to ignore this message of regulation and swept it under the rug. Thinking about how much tim...