Choose to Make it Happen - Even When It's Tough!

25 October 2019 - Your girl made it. She successfully graduated as of this writing at The School of Positive Psychology under the Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology (GDAPP) program. Hurray!!! Who knew right? At the back of my mind, the most important thing about being in Singapore was only to survive. I kept telling myself: "I have to work. I have to earn money so I have something to eat. I have no time for anything else, otherwise, it becomes a waste to be here. I should not waste the support of the people that brought me here to Singapore." You might relate to this. Sometimes we deprive ourselves of what "could" be. We often become paralyzed with our own self-limiting beliefs. We are creative to find reasons why we shouldn't be doing things that are productive, and do things that we enjoy. However, for the past two years of working at the Little Red Dot, I've always had this strong gut feeling and a burning passion to expand wh...