Choose to Make it Happen - Even When It's Tough!

25 October 2019 - Your girl made it. She successfully graduated as of this writing at The School of Positive Psychology under the Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology (GDAPP) program.


Who knew right? At the back of my mind, the most important thing about being in Singapore was only to survive. I kept telling myself: "I have to work. I have to earn money so I have something to eat. I have no time for anything else, otherwise, it becomes a waste to be here. I should not waste the support of the people that brought me here to Singapore."

You might relate to this. Sometimes we deprive ourselves of what "could" be. We often become paralyzed with our own self-limiting beliefs. We are creative to find reasons why we shouldn't be doing things that are productive, and do things that we enjoy.

However, for the past two years of working at the Little Red Dot, I've always had this strong gut feeling and a burning passion to expand what I know and upgrade myself so I can become an instrument of hope for others when I'm back in the Philippines. Heck, I don't even know how to start that! It was genuinely just a tiny voice, we can also call it the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (: I believe this was one of the reasons why I came face to face with my self-doubts and told them straight in the face that I must do what I felt was right.

So I enrolled to study Applied Positive Psychology here in Singapore.

My self-doubts never left me. All throughout the entire program, I felt as though I didn't deserve to be where I was. But someone very dear to me kept motivating me not to give up, this person was my pillar of support (a Support Hashira!), and was always there to listen to me when I'm stressed out and most especially when I needed listening ears. That person is none other than - Alex. I'm so much thankful for you Schatz because "you were my strength when I was weak". Thank you!

During this awesome journey, I met inspiring new friends and people I look up to. I also learned so many helpful ideas. I acquired tools I can use as enablers to further create an impact for positive and meaningful change, both in my personal life and professional life.

Long story short my friends, if you want to do something, do it with all your heart. Choose to make it happen even when it's tough, even when your self-doubt is loud, and most importantly, even if you are uncertain. Because it is always in our decision to move forward that we define who we truly are. Remember that you are capable, and everything you need is within your midst. 

One more thing, be kind to yourself. The goal here is not to impress the outside world, but rather, to stay true to your core, the beauty inside of you so full of amazing wonders, so capable of doing amazing things. 

To you, Schatz - Alex, this is for us, thank you for your love and support.

To myself - Jedde, thank you for taking on the challenge and for being proof that being a young Filipino in Singapore can be more than just work; for going outside of your comfort zone; and for finding ways not to give up!

To my family & Alex's family - for the never ending prayers and guidance, thank you.

To my closest friends - especially one of my support systems in Singapore, thank you momi for your care and support too!

To my teachers, school staff at The School of Positive Psychology and classmates - thank you for sharing your knowledge and genuine care!

To God, thank You for Your gift of life, guidance, and wisdom. All glory and honor is Yours!

Mary Jedde N. Ampolitod
Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology (GDAPP)
Certified SPARK Resilience Trainer for the Workplace


  1. Dear Jedde, am touched by your story, it is indeed inspirational and breaking so many boundaries around mindset. You have made yourself truely a positive person in this journey. Kudos to you and everyone who has supported you in this endeavour ��

    1. Dear Shaleen, thank you for your heart-warming message. May we both find the right way to use the learning and inspiration we have received from studying our programs. I wish you a blessed, happy, and fulfilled life!

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