Be Like the Sea: How to Find Our Meaning in A Noisy World

The waves of a sea are never the same the moment they crash to the shore. The sea, like human life, is constantly changing. But in spite of this, the sea does not worry about what it is meant to do, or why changes are happening to it, or what the meaning of its life is. Rather, it simply continues to be a sea; it moves, and it lives. Why couldn't we be more accepting of who we are, like the sea? Why then are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we find it as an almost impossible mission to make sense of the meaning of our lives, or find our own happiness, or be comfortable in our own voice? Why do we despise our existence so deeply sometimes just because we do not understand its mysteries? Our lives and the sea have similar characteristics. Both are unfathomable, deep, mysterious, and rich in motion and life. To illustrate, inside of us are trillions of live cells thriving; similarly, deep within the sea are trillions of live creatures - with each one being completely unique fr...