The Story of the Wonky Clock

Image not mine. Source: Salvador Dali Melting Clock Digital Painting When you were born, people knew who they want you to become. Your life was set in stone. The cheers you hear were cries of the people who missed their chance in life. And you are their key to redemption. You are a fresh start for them. You are a ticket to secure their happiness. The clock starts ticking and you begin growing up. Each time you celebrate your birthday, it is a yardstick - have you accomplished what you ought to accomplish? No? Oh, then that's bad. Suddenly, the cheers you hear turned to snickers. How come you are not as successful as that person? Why can't you do things right? You are starting to mold into a disappointment and woe to that. What did you do wrong? All you did was live the way you want to live your life. Slowly, the sparkle in your eyes starts to dim. Waking up each day, putting on your uniform, studying, eating, laughing, going back home, sleeping - and this cycle repeats....