Top 7 Things That I Loved When I Was a Kid (You Probably Know of)

THE KID IN ME. We were all kids once, and in fact, there's still a bit or more of that spirit in us. It's always good to keep some of it to remind us that anything or even everything can be beautiful, fun and exciting, just like how a kid sees the world. Here are some of the things, top 7 things, that I loved way back when computers, Iphones, and other techy stuffs weren't yet so in demand. Let's say from a 1999-2006 perspective. You probably know some of them. 7. Stationery When I was young, I used to collect a lot ( I mean a looooot) of stationary that I find nice, cute and pretty. My mom scolds me when I let her buy too much of them and I hide inside my room, not to cry and throw tantrums about how she won't buy me these stuffs anymore, for a moment that is, but to get my stationary stuffs, arrange them on my bed and just stare at them. I usually get mad when people start asking for a piece. I don't even write on them! But during occasions, I do...