Hitting the Road So Suddenly


January 05,2014

As always and as part of the routine, my family and I spend an hour to hear and attend mass. Yesterday my Ma asked me what time we'll be going to church the next day (which is today) and I told her we'll go at 11. I woke up at 9:00 AM and yeah, even on Sundays, I procrastinate; did anything I can to subconsciously delay myself from preparing. :) 

Everyone's almost done changing clothes, doing stuffs when my mom randomly said:
"Adto nalang ta manimba sa Opon, nak."

And I couldn't help feeling giddy and happy and excited. We only go there once a year and we weren't able to do that last year. It was already 10:40 and the mass's going to start at 11. We hit the road so suddenly with my cousin's car and just in the nick of time, we arrived at the Church and we were still able to hear mass from the psalm, to the end.

So here's my Pa, waiting for the final blessing from the priest so we could light up a candle and get inside to pray to the Birhen sa Regla. Playing with the natural light and mixing it with a vintage filter from pixlr.

Yeah, that's me lighting up the candle. No filters for this. It's just so amazing how these lights reflect the prayers, wishes and hopes of the people who lit them. I pray to God He'd hear all and grant people their heart's desires.
Right after saying our prayers and lighting up candles, we headed up stairs and lined up to say our prayers to the Birhen sa Regla. That line wasn't so long before the mass ended but after, almost just with a blink of an eye, too many people were already waiting for their turns to get inside the hall where the Birhen sa Regla is. So I took this shot while lining. A good scenery that depicts the Sunday life (generally) of the people in Opon.
I had to ask my sister to take this shot for me, this is the facade of the Church. See how magnificent the clouds are and the blue sky is really captivating. I had to put in a little divine filter to make the scene more captivating. If you want to know more about the Church, here's a link:

Of course, trips aren't complete without treats. So here we are, about to grab lunch in the nearby food chain: Brutus. Before we ended up with this photo, I had to recapture 5 times because the other shots were blurry. That's my Pa, Ma and my sister. Hey guys :)

This is my Ma with her new hairstyle. I don't really know what they call this one but yeah, she looks pretty well with it and a whole lot younger too. She don't want me posting her age but yeah, she's 42. :)

That girl over there is my 16-year old sister, Angel. I don't really know why she doesn't like me taking shots of her when she's in fact more vain than I am. Here she is with her orange shirt in Orange Brutus.

My sister playing with the cam. Yep, that's me, stressed out waiting for my tasty meal.
That sizzling burger steak is totally smokin' hot.
The not-so-stolen shot. Haha

 They say good shoes take you to good places and I couldn't just agree more. 

Finally, after the good meal, the good company and the soul-soothing message of God from the mass this morning, it's about time to go home. We were waiting for Pa to get the car from somewhere so far that he had to walk some meters to get there (yeah, you might think why we didn't park the car in the place where I'm standing; that's because this place was so full with cars this morning we weren't able to do it). I saw that the tree branches behind me looked stunning, I had to grab my sis and asked her to do me a "Background Shot". It took her a while to get the shot, after series of tutoring (hahaha, I feel like a pro, tho I'm absolutely not--in photography that is). 

After I added some vintage filter, I was satisfied with the end result. 
So yeaah that's it for our adventure today. O:)

NOTES: Good shoes take you to good places; so choose the right shoes, it doesn't have to be expensive, or stylish or anything, just make sure you're comfortable in walking and being yourself so you won't have any hassles in your journey to discovering life. 

Carpe Diem xx
Some of the shots taken on the way home.

Stunning sky right there.

Ohhh, those fluffy clouds, I could drown in them right now. :3


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