Ending A Chapter

 After a total of 16 years of doing home works, preparing projects and beating deadlines, at last, I am now ending the last chapter of being a student in an institution, of being in the four-walled classroom. All those times, I have been nagging about how difficult it is to study and successfully pass the exam, how exhausting it is to meet the requirements and how nerve-wrecking it is to meet new people. Thus, having to reach the graduation stage, is such a big relief, not only to me but to my family. 

March 28, 2015, Saturday was the big day. In the morning, we already started the preparations. I woke up early and did my own make up.

This was my face before I put on some light make up, I know it's weird, really. Haha

Me, after putting on some blushes, gloss and fixed my hair.
Feeling proud I was able to do this by myself.
We had to be on the venue not later than 1 pm for the processional. The graduation rites was to be performed at the University of San Carlos-South Campus. It was kilometers away from Mandaue so we had to be early. Good thing, my trusted partner-in-crime/best friend/man came in early.

All ready with his polo and pants. Looking good, partner ;)
After all the necessary preparations, we headed down to the venue and was later caught up in traffic, as there were a lot of graduates who are also headed to the South Campus. Nevertheless, we arrived on time and found a parking lot for Cake (Cake is a car, and yes we gave it a name).

The program started with a mass and was followed by the program proper. There were so many of us that it took us almost 4 hours to finish the program. Of course, photo sessions will never be absent in any occasions and so here are some of the photos taken that day

Since my sister decided to stay at home (which was a good idea because there were very limited chairs and the place was humid), here we are with my dad at the left, me, Alex and mom.

L-R Angela, Dave, Kathleen M., Kathleen U, Gladys, Crislyn and I.
These people here are my University buddies since the 1st year
Post-ceremony photo by Alex
It was a bummer that my dress has not been exposed because of the toga. Haha!

Mary Jedde N. Ampolitod
CUM LAUDE (BS Psychology)
University of San Carlos
After all the photo sessions, we finally decided to go home at 6pm but since we got caught up in yet another traffic, we arrived at nearly 7 in the evening believing that there are already guests in the house. I was expecting a normal dinner with my family and relatives, as we were fond of celebrating happy moments together but then I smelled something odd. My sister has been buzzing around before we left with my cousin, Mary Love. When we arrived home, everything was really dark. And just as I was about to get inside, a lot of little kids got out of the house and surprised me, most of them were my cousins, nieces and nephews. They were organizing a surprise for me! Haha.

I was always the one making the tarpaulin designs and now one has been made for me. I appreciate it so much!!!

Some of my guests during the dinner party. Mostly composed of aunts and cousins, with Alex at the right wearing his black polo.

The weird poses again. ;)

The three ladies between me and Alex are my high school classmates and are my best friends up until now. I was thinking they won't be celebrating with me since I received no reply from them. But here they were. :)

Some of my mom's office mates extending their regards to the new graduate ;)
Behold, the artwork and brilliant idea of my awesome sister, Angel. This was why she did not go to the venue with us, because she was busy preparing for this bedroom surprise. All hand written letters from my little cousins. Thank you Lord! :)

The day has been filled with awesome events that I will surely treasure forever. I would like to thank my mom, for always praying for us and for her unending sacrifices for the family, and to my dad for his hard work and love, and to my sister for her silent support and encouragements. Great thanks to my relatives as well for constantly believing in me. And to the people behind the surprise, thank you! Uncle Titus as the photographer most of the time. Haha. And to Alex. You are loved. 

After all, graduation is only an ending to yet another chapter and a new one is about to unfold. I will forever be in awe of God, and I always cry just thinking about how omnipotent and loving He is for granting me the life I have, the family who is willing to support me and the friends who are always there to look out for me. Thank You Lord for everything! For listening to my heartaches and hardships and for loving me unconditionally.

I will continue to pray for everyone. Congratulations, 2015 Graduates. 
And to the students, KEEP MOVING AND MOVE FORWARD. ;)


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