"Where do you want to go next?", Alex asked, right after we enjoyed a generous lunch at The Gallery. I got mad at him because he was late and I was really hungry. You know that feeling when you can't think properly when hungry right?
"Well, there's this place I want to visit.", I replied.
Alex is my partner in crime, my best bud and my boyfriend. We enjoy eating food together and going to new places. Fun fact!
Before I could tell him the name of the place, I showed him the map first.
Why? Well, that's because I'm such a loser at distinguishing locations and giving directions. I showed him first because I know it'll help me convince him easily if he knows where it is. Compared when I say the address in twisted words.
"It's here, located at 32 Sanson Road.", I said.
It is the road between Anita's and Auto Gas Station across JY Square in Lahug, Cebu City, right beside KAYU: Kitchen + Bar, also a new place. |
"The place is called Marisse Patisserie.", I added.
"Let's go. I'll take you there.", he said. How gallantly he spoke! (or was it just because I just ate? Hm tricky to tell!)
Yeaaay! I'm happy he knows the way. Here we come, Marisse Patisserie! ;)
This cute signage will greet you from outside. Welcome to Marisse Patisserie! |
This is the interior you'll see when you enter the door. |
The shabby chic feels of this place is strong and I love it! The ambiance is calm and the details on the flooring adds spice to the overall design. I appreciate how they complement the place with the wall decors and most especially the plain glass window. Not only did it add beauty to the place, it also allows the customer to think, feel and relax by allowing the sunshine to enter the room and spreading its radiance all over without it being too glary.
The counter is displayed in a really cute way. |
The accessories are arranged such that it becomes an eye-candy rather than an eye-sore. The color scheme has been chosen well. Although when you look at it closely, you'll feel like you're in a sailor-themed cafe rather than a shabby chic one. But hey, both are cute so it's a win-win for me.
They have delectable, varied options of pastries and drinks to choose from! |
And the price is right too! I bought a hot Caramel Latte for 120 pesos. I really love Caramel. Alex didn't buy any since he was still full from the sumptuous lunch we just had. But nothing can stop me from tasting something from this place. I didn't get to try their cakes, though. Perhaps, next time. Price range varies according to your choice. Sorry I forgot to take a photo of the menu. :P
Alex and I chose this spot. From here, we can see the pool. (Yes, they have a swimming pool in the vicinity) |
The tables and chairs also have cute designs printed on them. The comfort room is accessible. In fact, it has a lovely design with floral wallpaper and an old bicycle with colorful flowers on its basket and a sink on top. It's basically been made into a sink.
Alex and I taking a selfie before indulging ourselves with awesome stories. |
We talked about things from the past, about gym, basically anything under the sun. I always loved it when he talks because he's so into it.
Just right outside the Patisserie. |
The patio. That building in the photo, if I'm not mistaken is KAYU. A restaurant right across Marisse Patisserie. |
By the way, this is my office attire. I opted to wear something comfortable today. I'm happy the colors matched the place. Yipee! |
"Being scared means you're on to something important." (Marshal, HIMYM).
On this delightful afternoon, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. Well, I just successfully passed my Board Exam and I still don't know what happens next. Alex is about to take the Civil Engineering Licensure Exam and that's really keeping him occupied. We both are scared about something. But hey, we've got each other's backs and we just have to keep moving forward. After all, the discovery will always be worth it, like how we discovered a beautiful place like Marisse Patisserie. It's a place I want to visit again.
So you, reading this, wouldn't it be nice to discover some things? It might lead you somewhere beautiful.
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