How an Exam Taught Me Lessons

Honestly - the journey towards the Licensure Examination was exhilarating. It's been a roller coaster ride, except that it's running in an agonizingly slow motion. Can you imagine that? Being in a scary, huge, high roller coaster where you feel all sorts of emotions - excitement, fear, uncertainty, depression, boredom, anxiety, hope? 

I'm pretty sure we experienced varying degrees of emotions. We all had our fair share of doubts. I assume we all anticipated the worst in most of the times, only giving ourselves a chance to get a glimpse of what is beautiful once in a while. We sacrificed some things in order to come out as a victor. 

Let's call spade a spade, these sorts of exams are life-changing. The process in itself is meticulous so much more when the time comes that we're facing the test questionnaires. As for me, there were times when I've asked myself why I'm doing this, what I got myself into, what future awaits me when I pass, how I'm going to take it when I don't make it. It made me go through self-meditation mode (mostly on times when I feel too bombarded with concepts, terms, and fear). But hey, I've got to finish what I started so I braced myself and conquered the hurdles and finally decided to file, and take the exam. 

"All these experiences can contribute to success. Because in moments of sleepless nights, crazy days, difficult moments, doubtful times, we learn to develop beautiful values. We begin to mold into a different individual. We start appreciating people who are there to support us, we think beyond ourselves, we become braver. Even in the midst of uncertainty, we hold on to our heart's desires. And most importantly, even in the darkest of times, we exude hope and faith that things will work out."

Memory is not enough to be good at something, it's not the only prerequisite to win in life. What matters most is the attitude we put to it, and the lessons we learn along the way. Intelligence is not the sole key to success. But a balance of that and a good character to accept life's challenges. And lastly, being good at something is not enough - it is the capacity to share, inspire and empower that's more impactful. 

The Psychometrician Licensure Examination for me was one heck of an experience - a good, challenging one. I read the book, asked guidance, believed in my capabilities, took a rest. All these are good tips, but if not for the greatest source of all power, none of it will have ever caused success.

So I offer this feat to God - giver of life, most loving, most forgiving, and the best provider and protector. Thank You, Lord!

To all who took the Licensure Exam, congratulations. What great courage you showed!;
To the brave souls who did not make it, even greater, better things are coming your way. Never lose hope. This is just a minor setback;
To everyone who successfully passed, hats off! Efforts paid off;
To all parents and family members, especially to my ma and pa, and to my ever beautiful younger sister, AJ, thank you. You were my source of strength. My powerhouse;
To my friends who helped me study, and provided the learning resources, thank you. Your kindness is really inspiring! Special Shout out to Dave, Gladys, Chilou, Girlly, GS Office mates; 
To those who believed in me, thank you. Your conscious thoughts helped make things into reality. After all, to think is to create. The universe conspired with your beautiful wishes and desires;
To my teachers, thank you for going the extra mile to teach us about life and about the subjects;

"To Alex, my belayer, partner, shock absorber, my love, thank you. For your patience, care and love. For being so kind and understanding."

It's been a roller coaster ride, except that it's running in an agonizingly slow motion. But at the end of the day, what matters most is not the fear, not the doubts, nor the anxiousness we feel, it's how we enjoy the ride and what lessons we seal. The next challenge would be helping and serving our motherland with this milestone we achieved. But please don't forget to celebrate this quick win.

Best regards (to all future board exam takers and all exams for that matter),
Mary Jedde N. Ampolitod, Registered Pscyhometrician (RPm)


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