We Both Agree to Share the Bill

Nurturing a relationship takes a long conscious effort. In fact, it goes beyond the butterflies in the stomach and flutters of the heart. It extends beyond words of love and affirmation and it transcends beyond momentary sparks, passionate kisses borne from romance, and overdramatic promises. Truth to be told, maintaining a relationship means working hard to always choose the other person every day - and this is extremely difficult. How could we possibly choose someone who is flawed? The thing is that there are bits and pieces of us that are broken. There is no way we can find a superglue that could magically put these broken pieces back together as if no storm had wreaked havoc at all! We've just got to meet that person who sees our broken parts and loves us, not despite it , but because of it. This is just one side of the whole picture. The other half tells us to reciprocate - to also see that person's flaws and love him all the same. On one hand, seeing and whole...