No Matter How Slow, Keep Moving Forward

Photo credits to: Lessons Learned in Life I have a little confession to make - most days, I find it really exhausting to bring myself in front of my computer and start writing something. For example, today, I'm supposed to share new content on my blog because I've made a commitment that I would do so every Thursday, however, soon as I got home, I procrastinated so much and I lost so much time in the end. While I had a schedule in place and what to write, I felt following it didn't really connect with my state today. So I rummaged through the gallery on my computer and laughed at the memes I've collected over the years. I also browsed on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter trying to convince myself that I would find inspiration from there. I didn't. Then, as I was about to call it a night and close my empty notepad, I ever so suddenly came across this photo with this quote that says: "Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress,...