How to Earn Psychological Benefits from Staying at Home - Based on Science

We are experiencing a new norm these days - staying at home. With the pandemic still present and affecting the world, social gatherings are now being limited, if not prohibited. There are evident shifts in the workplace as well - WFH or work from home is being implemented in several companies and organizations, an idea that was once a dream for some, now turned reality. Albeit its remarkably massive impact - affecting the job security of many workers as they struggle to make ends meet, having lesser to no chances of gathering in a physical sense as we fight for our causes and advocacies, being unable to head out as much as we'd like - to meet with our friends or to travel to new places - we collectively just cannot afford to further endanger the safety of others and that of ourselves by nonconforming. Thus, we adhere to this new normal, because we need to, by staying inside the four corners of our homes. While some of us are already accustomed to staying at home,...