
Showing posts from March, 2020

How to Earn Psychological Benefits from Staying at Home - Based on Science

We are experiencing a new norm these days - staying at home. With the pandemic still present and affecting the world, social gatherings are now being limited, if not prohibited. There are evident shifts in the workplace as well - WFH or work from home is being implemented in several companies and organizations, an idea that was once a dream for some, now turned reality. Albeit its remarkably massive impact - affecting the job security of many workers as they struggle to make ends meet, having lesser to no chances of gathering in a physical sense as we fight for our causes and advocacies, being unable to head out as much as we'd like - to meet with our friends or to travel to new places - we collectively just cannot afford to further endanger the safety of others and that of ourselves by nonconforming. Thus, we adhere to this new normal, because we need to, by staying inside the four corners of our homes. While some of us are already accustomed to staying at home,...

Nurturing the Good We Cannot See

This situation with the COVID-19 may take a while. There is no clear answer when this will all end. Everyone is feeling something. It is not a matter of privilege to feel. Rather, it is part and parcel of being human. So, when you feel scared, I hope you find the courage to embrace it. When you feel happy, I hope you do not deny it to yourself. When you find something that makes you feel energized, I hope you do not feel guilty about it. Nurturing the good we cannot see takes a great deal of courage in these trying times. Suddenly, it has become difficult to appreciate a beautiful blooming flower, the cool breeze of the wind, the presence of whom we love. Self-care is not supposed to be a selfish act, isn't it? Now it's become a sign of privilege, no? Somehow, you feel obliged to grieve because the world is grieving. You find yourself feeling overwhelmed with ambiguity, of uncertainty. Should this be the kind of sustenance that we must feed ourselves with moving forw...

What If There Isn't Any Hope At All?

Photo from: Archie Binamira "Four Toddlers form Circle" My mind feels cluttered recently. Everywhere I look, all I see are news about the pandemic that has disturbed the entire world. How it turned into this massive crisis, I couldn’t really fathom nor could I clearly understand the intensity of its deep impact on us. I am hopeful that all these would subside soon. There are many people like me; those who hope, who believe, and who trust that there is an end to this terrible phenomenon. However, back in my head is a subtle whisper bearing an ugly truth that I try to shake away, what if there isn’t any hope at all? It seems to me that many of us are rowing in different directions. We all face the same concern, and yet somehow, as a system, we couldn’t agree on which priority to set as we face this unseen adversary in our midst. I may have missed it somewhere along the way, but I do not feel that we have truly understood what we are up against. Guidelines are bein...

My First Podcast Guesting Experience in Singapore

I like listening to podcasts. When I'm at home during the weekend, I would listen to Jay Shetty's "On Purpose" or Joshua & Ryan's "The Minimalists". When I'm at work creating a program, I know I can find inspiration from Elise Blaha Cripe's podcast called "Elise Joy". When I'm feeling down and low energy, my go-to podcast to listen to is "Getting Naked with Happiness" by Stephen Lew. All these wonderful people, along with the guests they invite on their podcast channel have significantly inspired me because of the wisdom they share, brought about by their life experiences and expertise. If you are curious about what a podcast is, it is actually a recorded audio discussion that you can access online and download on a mobile phone or device. During a podcast interview, there is an interviewer that asks the questions usually about a theme and the invited guest shares his or her experience with that theme. Using S...

Written with much emotion.

Shoulders tensed. Jaw clenched. Each day, I live with fear. My every move is calculated; I must learn not to speak my mind and only speak on the right moments. I must know when these moments occur so when I do voice out, my words would be spot-on, eloquent, and perfect. I must be careful not to offend anyone. I am always on my toes, careful not to make a wrong move, a miscalculated step. I have to keep in mind the consequences - that making mistakes meant I will not be worth it anymore, that I am now vulnerable to rejection, and eventually, people around me will now have the knowledge of my own incapabilities. An unchecked decision, move, and word could jeopardize and destroy the protective little bubble I have learned to love and call my home. I do not know which one is worse - bearing the world's massive expectations on me - what role I must play, what achievements I must make, what I must and must not do - or -  carrying my own absurd expectations I dump unto myself? Bot...