Nurturing the Good We Cannot See

This situation with the COVID-19 may take a while. There is no clear answer when this will all end. Everyone is feeling something. It is not a matter of privilege to feel. Rather, it is part and parcel of being human.

So, when you feel scared, I hope you find the courage to embrace it. When you feel happy, I hope you do not deny it to yourself. When you find something that makes you feel energized, I hope you do not feel guilty about it. Nurturing the good we cannot see takes a great deal of courage in these trying times. Suddenly, it has become difficult to appreciate a beautiful blooming flower, the cool breeze of the wind, the presence of whom we love. Self-care is not supposed to be a selfish act, isn't it? Now it's become a sign of privilege, no? Somehow, you feel obliged to grieve because the world is grieving. You find yourself feeling overwhelmed with ambiguity, of uncertainty. Should this be the kind of sustenance that we must feed ourselves with moving forward? 

Perhaps, there might be a deeper reason. Perhaps, it is because you are in pain. Seeing others being affected, noticing the many flaws in our systems, people whom you expect to be doing something to remedy the situation are not exactly looking like they are doing their best. You want more help to happen. More things to be done. All these are putting a heavy weight on your shoulders. You know what I mean, don't you? All these things are making your heart feel as though it's being painfully squeezed and all you can do for now is to sit in isolation which is all for a bigger cause because you know for yourself how badly you want to help, to create a bigger impact, to protect the people you care about, but you somehow have no idea how to start. 

We all feel pain very differently. We all cope up with what's difficult so uniquely. Anger is one way to cope. And I know deep down, that this anger you feel, is in fact, a feeling of care. The pain that pierces you and tears you to pieces when you find out that there are millions who are suffering - the sick, the workers, the elderly, the children - is actually a feeling of sincerest regard for them. This is a sign of the goodness in you, the goodness you cannot see but must nurture, a hallmark of the empathy that fills your soul. 

When you feel upset and angry about what you read or see or hear, I hope you won't let it define you, not allow it to gain control over your life, not to let it devour your thoughts and consume your mind. I hope that when others do not conform to your own way of thinking, that you won't let it be a hindrance to trust again. I hope you remember to find your center. 

"In the midst of  movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." 

May we give more careful attention to the quiet murmur of hope that there will soon be a cure to this. May the unconditional efforts exerted by those in the frontline be a symbol of strength that will inspire us to believe that there is an end to this difficult situation. To think is to create. Let's feed ourselves with facts rather than rumours and conspiracies and mistrust. Let's recall how hardly we fought so the world will notice the importance of mental health, our mental well-being. Now we have that opportunity to heighten this awareness, if we still believe it to be important. I hope so. May we also notice the subtle cues of creativity that many people are cultivating - their passions, dreams, goals - to cope up with the situation. May we celebrate the triumphs and take notice of what's working right rather than what's wrong, what's missing, what's undesirable. May we be more understanding. May we nurture the goodness we cannot see, rather than sulk in the blinding darkness that suffocates our core. Let's remember also to be kind to ourselves.

Because this is not us against each other. This is us, together, with each other.

Mary Jedde


  1. YEEESS!!! It's time for us to be united, especially the Filipino people, not physically though. Hahaha I won't elaborate nalang kay mag rant rajud ko hahahaha

    1. Hahahahahaha I FEEL YOU!!! should you find the need to rant, please do so. Sometimes we need to rant it out. Hahaha. I did my own fair share of ranting to Alex also. Btw, it really feels like home to see your comment on my posts. Thanks for taking the time to always drop by. ❤

  2. Beautifully written, Jedde. Let's continue to be kind to ourselves and each other.


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