The Sun, The Flower, and The Human

The sun rises and it is sure of itself. Its rays do not need to be told where it should be. In that moment of serenity, the certainty is strong. No doubt springs from the horizon, only beauty. On the ground, a flower blooms. A tulip, a dandelion, a chrysanthemum. The flower does not compete with the other. Fearlessly she opens, happily she blooms. When she withers, she doesn't say "What if." When she dies, she gives a smile so sure. Her fallen petals, soft on the ground. A kiss of life and a memory of beauty, now buried on the dirt, satisfied of the life she's lived. The human watches all these - the sun with its rays, the flower with her petals, the petals falling on the ground. The human wonders - how, why, where, when, what. Asking, demanding, exploring, slowing down, speeding up. Fearing, doubting, sulking, tensing. The human is not sure of herself. She feels she needs to be told where she should be. Stuck on a place, with so much uncertainty. She asks if she may...