In case you forget, there are many forms of strength.

The kind of strength that is quiet and subtle is often overlooked by many. It is always physical strength that is celebrated because it is seen, felt, and heard. It can be easy to neglect other forms of strength because people try so hard to shine the spotlight on being able to carry heavy weights physically. 

But what about courage? What about that choice to get up in the morning even when you feel there isn't any kind of motivation or inspiration to keep you going? Isn't that strength too? Isn't that worth celebrating too? 

What about that smile you give to other people, the one that you sincerely, wholeheartedly give away even when you find it hard to make sense of your life now? Isn't that strength as well? When you choose to understand even when you are being misunderstood. Or when you choose to love despite the odds? Or when you choose to forgive someone who has wronged you? Aren't those forms of strength too? 

These are quiet strengths that are innate in us. They shine a gentle flame within our soul. They fuel us to keep on taking a step forward. But they often cannot be heard, and if they were heard, they produce a faint sound that the mundane everyday busy-ness of our lives can just brush off. They often cannot be seen too. Often, they grow inside of us. They often cannot be felt by others, and as a result, these kinds of strengths are often underrated, underappreciated, and left unnoticed. 

But tonight, I write to you in the hope of reminding you of the strength that you have. Although quiet and subtle, this strength exists in you. You are strong when you choose to take a pause, to take a deep breath when you choose to rest or choose to take a stride. You are strong in many different ways. And when you feel weak, like how I feel now as of this writing, I want you to give yourself a tap on the shoulder and tell yourself that feeling weak doesn't make us into a failure, rather, it is a reminder that we are growing, we are evolving, we are changing. 

So, take a rest. Because that too, is a form of strength.


Mary Jedde


  1. Yes, there is beauty in the mundane ❤️ There is beauty in just spending your whole weekend doing basically nothing. Surviving everyday alone in this crazy world is a strength itself. The capacity to endure pressure from family, stress from work and all sorts of negative energy. As for me, I find solace in nature and i always look forward to be out in the woods or in any adventure. Especially when the surroundings becomes noisy.

    1. Hi Jielyn! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts here in this space. Thank you. Yes, there is beauty in the mundane - and this beauty is so obvious but takes a lot of effort to appreciate sometimes because often, we yearn for bigger things in life. I'm happy to hear that you have found a way to celebrate the little moments in life through nature and adventure. Take care and stay safe!


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