When Was the Last Time?

When was the last time 
you had a nice meal,
ate without guilt 
and enjoyed it for real?

How about the last time 
you woke up in the morning,
felt glad and excited as if 
it was a fresh beginning?

When was the last time 
you did something for yourself,
without thinking it's a crime,
no hesitations for oneself?

How about the last time 
you felt genuinely proud of something 
that you have achieved
with all your heart, like it was spring?

Or forgave yourself 
for making a mistake,
being flawed and imperfect
or for feeling inadequate?

For feeling weak, especially at night
when the world is heavily quiet?
or when your mind traces back right
at the core of your fears in delight?

When was the last time
you told yourself it's alright,
to cry and let go for a while,
howling like a wolf in the moonlight?

How tired you must have been feeling,
How lost you must have become.
You stifled all these on your own bringing,
and kept it hidden from the world, close and shun.

But here you are, living despite the fall.
Here you are, searching the meaning of this all.
Mustering the courage to show your smile to the world,
Here you are, hiding your pain though it's taking a toll.

Each day you try to pick yourself up,
telling yourself it's going to be okay.
Slowly, you try again to envelop,
the whys and the hows in each passing day.

Let these words be a reminder, you are worth it, you are brave.
Sometimes you get knocked down,
but you are powerful like a wave,
and so always though steady, you stand back up and fix your crown.

Despite the pain, the twists, and turns;
remember at all times, to yourself be kind. 
Our flaws are there to help us learn,
and from there we'll definitely shine.

To be perfect is not the goal,
to achieve success is an illusion.
Your existence matters, in each rise or fall,
you are loved, even in your most turbulent emotion.

Forget the last time you had a nice meal,
nor the last time you made each morning a new beginning.
Move past the last time you did something for real,
and you don't need to remember the moment you were last shining.

What matters here is that now you remember,
that this moment is what you have,
and while we miss the good old days like an ember,
today, you can tell yourself, you are genuinely loved.

All rights reserved 2019.

This is my original written composition. 
Please do not reproduce this content without my permission.
If you wish to share this piece, please credit or site the author properly.

Photo by: Burst from Pexels

"When Was the Last Time"
Written by: Mary Jedde


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