Living Without Rushing and Other Adulting Talks at Tavolata - Design Center of Cebu

It's always making plans happen one after the other for me. The cycle doesn't end because I'm so used to rushing life. It's as though I can't bear it when I stay still; and while it can be productive, it also made me forget that slowing down doesn't necessarily equate to having a worthless life. On the contrary, living without rushing provides a certain kind of bliss that soothes the soul - if only you allow it.

On a cold Saturday evening, I met with a friend of mine, Jana, over a sumptuous dinner at Tavoloata. With its sheer elegance calling out from outside, Tavolata surely caught our attention when we were deciding where to spend time catching up. 

Inside, we were greeted with warm and bronze tones and a sophisticated ambiance, perfectly achieving a delicate balance between industrial and fine-dining. The lights suspended from the ceiling add a romantic touch to the place, perfect for an intimate gathering of friends and family, or with one's significant other.

Level 1 Interior

Level 2 Interior

Waiting for dinner to be served

While waiting for our order to be served, we started diving into our adventures and misadventures of living far away from home. I was based in Singapore as a Corporate Trainer, Jana works in Manila (Philippines) as a Civil Engineer. There sure were a lot of things to talk about. 

"How was your life like in Singapore?", she asked. I narrated to her what I love most about working overseas. Having independence like cooking for myself, making sure I pay the bills on time, doing my own grocery, dealing with other people by myself, traveling to new places. I also shared what I found challenging. Each day was hectic with a very little window to slow down. 

"How is your day usually like in Manila?", I inquired her this time. She paused and thought about it and then talked about how she would often walk a long distance to her house. Walking allows her to calm down and think and she enjoys it. She would do her own grocery too and staying in Manila lets her experience a sense of independence, being in charge of her own time.

Jana and her cocktail. They weren't serving wine on glass so we opted for another drink instead.

Continuing our conversation while enjoying a nice cocktail paired with pasta and pizza, we both casually asked ourselves this: "What's your next plan?", to which we both responded: "Nothing too specific yet. Just taking my time to discover what I want to do and trying out my passion."

Albeit having unique stories springing from our different experiences, the idea of slowing down and not forcing ourselves to figure out what to do next grew to be our common denominator. If it were the past Jedde, I would probably go berserk of not having a plan. But I know better now. I have begun understanding more deeply that a life that is not rushed is more impactful than rushing all the time.

It gives us space and time to connect with our inner world, befriend our turmoil within, and come to terms with our authentic self without needing so much external validation. These are some of the good things that slowing down and not rushing life have taught me and Jana.

Same as all other kinds of journeys, this too requires patience and kindness because the path to self-acceptance is one that is messy, cloudy, and often unglamorous. A courageous heart and an unwavering commitment are must-haves to make this possible. 

You know what's better than rushing life? It's choosing your priorities. It's doing what you think makes you feel alive. It's living life on your own terms. Some people will never understand the rationale behind your choices, but is that really going to be the primary driving force of how your life must be lived? I think otherwise. 

So, rest if you must, or get busy if it's important to you, but always remember that a life that is lived without rushing provides a certain kind of bliss that soothes the soul - I hope you'll allow it for yourself too.

As we were about to end our night at this beautiful place, we decided to take some photos. This experience after all is new for us as we previously just hang out in fast-food places, so we wanted to keep mementos of it. We both felt this was a lovely venue to talk about adulting matters and it did the job right. 

Jana and I wrapped the night up with full tummies and a fresher perspective on life. I hope you can visit the place and discover what kind of experience you'll have for yourself at Tavolata.

Thank you for reading!

Mary Jedde


P.S. This is not a sponsored post.
In case you're wondering where they are located:
Design Center of Cebu, A.S. Fortuna St, Mandaue City, Cebu


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