Scribbles and Books: "Regretting You" by Colleen Hoover

Goodreads Summary

"Morgan Grant and her sixteen-year-old daughter, Clara, would like nothing more than to be nothing alike.

Morgan is determined to prevent her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. By getting pregnant and married way too young, Morgan put her own dreams on hold. Clara doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Her predictable mother doesn’t have a spontaneous bone in her body.

With warring personalities and conflicting goals, Morgan and Clara find it increasingly difficult to coexist. The only person who can bring peace to the household is Chris—Morgan’s husband, Clara’s father, and the family anchor. But that peace is shattered when Chris is involved in a tragic and questionable accident. The heartbreaking and long-lasting consequences will reach far beyond just Morgan and Clara.

While struggling to rebuild everything that crashed around them, Morgan finds comfort in the last person she expects to, and Clara turns to the one boy she’s been forbidden to see. With each passing day, new secrets, resentment, and misunderstandings make mother and daughter fall further apart. So far apart, it might be impossible for them to ever fall back together."

My Thoughts

"Regretting You" is filled with twists and turns. It explores many facets of life like teenage love, parenthood, betrayal, loss, and navigating life's difficulties. This is my first Colleen Hoover (Coho) book and I must say that I definitely enjoyed reading this.

There are three reasons why. 

First, Coho's writing style is engaging - neither boring nor dull. She writes about relevant topics and issues that many people experience in a broad spectrum. It makes the reader decide how to process what he or she has just read. In other words, it makes you ponder!

Second, the story is interwoven nicely from two different perspectives - Clara's point of view, as a young adult trying to make sense of the world around her and on the verge of making important decisions that will set the direction of her life; and Morgan's point of view, as Clara's mom who is figuring out how to be a good mother to her daughter whilst trying out to rediscover herself.

Third, this book represents the nature of life. It is not the ending that makes it worth living, but rather, it is the process of actually making decisions, standing up for what you think makes sense to you, and nurturing relationships that give you meaning that makes living more worthwhile and interesting.

Surprise, Surprise!

Morgan got pregnant with Clara at the age of 17. Morgan and Chris got married and raised Clara together. Then, an accident happened that made a huge impact on the main characters' lives. Truth be told, I thought that this was the biggest surprise the story can give me, and that like any other story involving an accident, I as a reader would have to move on, as well as the characters. I was wrong.

The next lines and chapters definitely made me gasp. I never put the book down. The story became even more engrossing from that accident. I finished reading this book in one sitting.

Like domino blocks creating the biggest chain reaction, slowly dropping on the first few seconds and the succeeding ones are more intense, quick, and devastating. So too, does this story flow.

What an emotional ride!

Overall, I did feel satisfied with purchasing this book. It gave me that emotional ride that I don't often get in other books. It explores many topics that challenged me. I am giving this book 4/5 stars because there are certain topics that are on my exclusion list - something that I am still not prepared to accept.

Lastly, I feel that this book explores the notion - that all of us are not so different after all. There are many aspects of our lives that are similar. We all experience struggles and pains, albeit in different ways. It is a matter of truly setting our priorities and knowing who and what gives us meaning in our lives that will make the biggest difference.

I will leave a line that resembles the vibe of the book to conclude my point; from the movie Close-Knit (Naoko Ogigami, 2017) -

"Parents and children are still people. Somtimes, they don't get along. But I don't think it means they hate each other. In fact, maybe they love each other so much that it all backfires."


Title: Regretting You

Author: Colleen Hoover

Read in: Kindle Paperwhite

Suitable for: Young Adult, Adult (PG advised?)

Rating: 4/5 Stars


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