A Short Story: One Thing I Learned from Failing is that I Love Learning

Jedde, Fourth-Year High School, Year 2011 Photo from: Steven Tan An achiever - this sums up my identity in my younger years. In high school, I've consistently strove to earn myself a place in the honor's list - a highly coveted recognition given to exemplary students, so to speak. Submitting projects on time, actively raising my hand, studying enough to ace my exams. All of these worked for me. In fact, during our quarterly recognition, my name would often be in the top ten list and I would feel proud of myself. To put a little context to this story, I studied in a Science-Math curriculum school - Mandaue City Science High School. The pressure is high. Passing grade is 85. Below that grade, a possibility awaits for you to transfer to another school because you're unable to maintain the grade requirements. So I planted in my mind that I must work hard to remain studying in my school; and to push that goal even further, I told myself that I'm going to be an honor stude...