Do You Know Where Your Heart Is?

Many times, I have no idea what I'm doing. Sometimes, I find myself writing so confidently while there are also those moments when I just try to wing it. For me, the most important thing here is, I write. Like doing the verb and actually writing

I knew I became committed to writing the moment I wrote consistently, not when I "said" I will. Then, I found out some surprising results. There are now 33+ posts on my blog, 14,000 inspired readers all over the world, and I've received invitations to be featured on podcasts and shows in Singapore. It's definitely humbling and awesome! 

Listen to The Positive Arena Podcast here.

There are plenty of us out there who wants to start something - a podcast, a vlog channel, writing a blog, building their own business and so on and that's absolutely great! However, there are only a few who actually take the first step of doing it and making it happen. 

My question is, "What's stopping you?". To which I know one can give a million answers - no confidence, no time, too scared, not sure, no money, and the list goes on. And for my next question, I invite you to read it slowly, mindfully, and try to give yourself a chance to answer it. 

Now, I ask you: "Do you know where your heart is? Do you know where it truly is?".

Knowing where your heart truly is will mean a great deal to help motivate you into pursuing your goals and achieving your dreams. For example, when you know that your heart is in sharing your story in your podcast because it is your intention to leave a mark or inspire other people, then it makes you courageously lean into your discomfort and do the best that you can to start it, even when it means doing it scared! It is clear where your heart is. 

But if you are not sure where your heart is, let's say, you want to start a business because you "guess" or you "think" that you want to earn more money, that's a little too fickle to serve as your guide and will not suffice in the long run in your pursuit of this dream. Any goal, objective, or dream that you have, when you have no idea where your heart truly is in those matters, the pursuit will be twice or thrice as difficult and frail compared with having a clear intention.

So, let's say you know where your heart is. What's next? 

The next thing is, do it. Do the verb. Make it happen. Create that account on Youtube or Podbean. Start building a website for your business. I recommend that when you take the first step, focus on the first step, and avoid counting the chicks before they even hatch. Meaning to say, savor the feeling of actually making things happen, not the number of likes or subscribers or money that you're going to get. 

"But Jedde, I feel scared and nervous!", well that's great! It means that you're on to do something important. It means you are growing. The seed on the ground has to experience darkness before it can sprout & grow and you too can grow by going through those emotions. 

I can say this with confidence because this is also how I feel before I deliver a talk or a speech. When I am surrounded by people who have reached the pinnacle of success, I immediately feel scared and nervous to speak. Clearly, I know where my heart is and that's to focus on giving, on my passion rather than just focusing on my own nervousness and so I speak with all my heart even though I'm scared.

Feed your inner fire with hope to achieve your genuine intention. Feed the wolf inside you that's nurturing, giving, humbling, and contributing. Feed your heart with inspiration and kindness. 

And how do you feed? Well, surround yourself with believers. They are your tribe. Your people. Those who see the strengths that you couldn't see for yourself. Those who experienced your energy and loved it without your awareness and without letting it all into your head. Most times, our tribe can be our family and friends, and sometimes, they can be from strangers too. Embrace their support wholeheartedly and with gratitude.

Even one person who trusts and vouches for you is a magnificent deal of support. In fact, you only really need one person who undoubtedly believes in you. Your belief mirror. So, how can you attract these people? Your tribe who believes in you? You must first...

...know where your heart is. Because if you know where it truly is, you will become unstoppable. And with the force that you will now have, your tribe will come to support you tirelessly. Stay true to your genuine intentions. Stay true to your genuine self. 

And remember, your worth is not based on numbers because you are limitless.

I believe in you.


Mary Jedde 

P.S. Thank you for reading! I am organizing a fund-raising activity intended for the underprivileged children in Cebu, Philippines who are struggling to attend their online classes due to insufficient resources. This is in support of the Enkindle International Foundation. If you are interested to know more, send me a message today. 


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