Not All Words Deserve a Space in Our Lives

Accepting criticism is a hard pill to swallow. Especially when it is given without compassion.

When we give our best efforts on something that we're passionate about, only to be told that it isn't good enough, we usually accept it and think it is sensible. Especially when it is coming from someone who we know has the best intentions for us. But what if it came from someone who doesn't care about us? What if that criticism was given without compassion? How would that feel?

Usually, it feels really awful, don't you think so? Like someone stabbed us right in the heart. After all, we spent hours working hard on it. We went through a lot of troubles. We had to hear all the loud voices in our head magnifying our insecurities and press on really hard to overcome them. They don't know anything about how greatly we worked hard for it and yet they still throw these insensitive remarks at us. 

It is unavoidable to experience this in our lives. People will always have something to say and it's not always nice every single time. Sometimes, there are those who just fancy throwing criticisms with no other intention except to justify their egos and trample on others. But if there's one important thing I've learned, it is this: 

"Not all words deserve a space in our lives." 
Sometimes we forget that we own an immense power to control what we allow in our lives and what we don't. So today, I am here to nudge you with that reminder. 

You don't have to listen and accept every single word that you hear that undermines your worth. You don't have to succumb to the insensitive remarks and criticisms from people who are not even fighting the same battle as you or have never been in the battlefield at all. You don't have to believe the demeaning message behind a so-called "constructive criticism" if you feel deep down that it hinders you from growing into a better person.

Be selective in what you allow in your space, in your mind, in your heart, and in your life. Remember, our energy is not unlimited. So, let's spend it on things and experiences that nurture our journey into becoming the person who we dream to be. 

Seek the feedback and criticism from people whom you trust. Those you know have been through so much and grown from their experience. Those who struggled and triumphed and remained humble. Those who genuinely look out for you. Know that what you may hear may be painful - because the truth is an equally difficult pill to swallow - but trust that when it is given from the space of compassion, they will give you a feedback paired with a great deal of support for you.

Some words just have to pass through us, and only meaningful ones deserve the best seat in our hearts and in our lives.

Mary Jedde


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