What Makes You Come Alive?


27 August 2020, Thursday - I had a great time having a lovely conversation this afternoon with one of my colleagues from my Graduate studies in Applied Positive Psychology. Has, founder of Positive Focus Pte Ltd and a seasoned facilitator and trainer in Singapore shared about her life story and we enjoyed diving into deep conversation topics like resilience, grit, and passion.

Surrounded by lush greenery and accompanied by a soothing hot cappuccino at Canopy Garden Dining, I was all ears into Has' story as she animatedly talked about her past experiences, how it shaped her, and what lessons it taught her. There was one topic however, that made my eyes sparkle with so much interest and resonance among all others - and it was about energy. 

Many people love Has' energy. Wherever she goes, she brings with her a ray of sunshine that can make one's day brighter. Being around her hypes me up and inspires me to be my best too! And when she said that it takes a great deal of factors to maintain that kind of energy, it made me realize how true it was.

You see, our energy is a resource. The activities we do can greatly affect our energy. For example, I feel most energized when I write about the things that inspire me. It gives me energy to learn things that I am curious about whether it be about the clouds, the stars, psychology and many more. But, if you ask me to analyze trends, or calculate numbers, you will notice that my shoulders are slumped and my brows furrowed, draining my energy. 

So, today, as I munched on a delicious apple crumble pie, paired with my hot cappuccino with Has, I am reminded that we must do the things that energize us. There are many aspects in our lives that we can apply that on. It can be at work, it can also be in doing our hobbies, it can be doing a side income, or simply being at home doing chores. 

Do the things that make you come alive, because we know that the world needs more of that, especially now. It doesn't need to be grandiose. Remember, that you can also find that in the simplest of choices that we make each day.

What makes you come alive? Think about it for a moment, and once you figure it out, go do it. It will definitely make a positive difference in the way you live your life for the better.

Take care!

Mary Jedde


Canopy Garden Dining's Address: 1382 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 Bishan Park 2, 569931


  1. I feel so down lately, but what energizes me is my daily cooking. I feel so lost especially when I got laid off from my job. I feel like a part of me laid off too, but thankfully I still get to be busy with the house chores and my unread books hehehe

    1. Lui! I'm so glad to read your comment on the blog. Yeay!!! Yes it is best to occupy our mind and hands too. Take care!


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